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Disciplinary Actions – 2006-V37-2

ALPINE PROPERTIES, INC. (Raleigh) – – The Commission accepted the voluntary surrender of the firm license of Alpine Properties for a period of one year effective August 10, 2006. The Commission dismissed without prejudice allegations that Alpine Properties had violated provisions of the Real Estate License Law and Commission rules. Alpine Properties neither admitted nor denied misconduct.

JANE D. BARNES (Dunn) – By Consent, the Commission suspended the broker license of Ms. Barnes for a period of one year effective September 1, 2006. Three months of the suspension were active with the remainder stayed for a probationary period of two years. The Commission found that Ms. Barnes, as the owner and landlord of residential rental property, falsely stated to a prospective tenant who offered to lease the property that the property had already been leased when it had not. The Commission also found that Ms. Barnes then leased the property to two successive tenants and failed to maintain security deposits from those tenants in a trust account as required by Commission rules.

BATTS & RAMSEY PROPERTY MANAGEMENT LLC (Raleigh) – By Consent, the Commission suspended the firm license of Batts & Ramsey Property Management for a period of six months effective June 29, 2006. The Commission then stayed the suspension for a probationary period of one year. The Commission found that Batts & Ramsey Property Management failed to supervise its employees in the maintenance of the trust accounts and records relating to such accounts and did not maintain the trust accounts and records for these funds in the manner required by Commission rules. The Commission noted that the firm cooperated with the Commission’s investigations and took substantial corrective measures to bring the firm’s records into compliance and that no consumer incurred any financial losses as a result of the firm’s conduct.

BETTINA G. BATTS (Raleigh) – By Consent, the Commission reprimanded Ms. Batts effective June 29, 2006. The Commission found that Ms. Batts, as an active salesperson affiliated with a real estate firm, was placed in charge of managing trust money, but did not maintain the trust accounts and records as required by Commission rules. The Commission noted that Ms. Batts cooperated with the Commission’s investigations and took substantial corrective measures to bring the firm’s records into compliance and that no consumer incurred any financial losses as a result of her conduct.

JANICE H. BESCHE (Fletcher) – By Consent, the Commission suspended the broker license of Ms. Besche for a period of six months effective August 1, 2006. Ninety days of the suspension were active with the remainder stayed for a probationary period of three years. The Commission found that Ms. Besche was convicted of Attempted Voter Fraud in April 2003 and failed to report the conviction within sixty days of final judgment.

GERALD P. BROCKMAN (Charlotte) – By Consent, the Commission reprimanded Mr. Brockman effective October 1, 2006. The Commission found that Mr. Brockman pled guilty in December 2005 in United States District Court to the Employment of Manipulative and Deceptive Devices in Connection with the Purchase of a Security in 2001, and was sentenced to a three-year probationary sentence with six months home detention. The Commission noted that Mr. Brockman has fully repaid the money.

BURCH REAL ESTATE, INC. (Bat Cave) – By Consent, the Commission reprimanded Burch Real Estate, Inc., effective July 1, 2006. The Commission found that Burch Real Estate failed to maintain trust account records in compliance with the Real Estate License Law and Commission rules. The Commission noted that no consumers were harmed as a result.

WILLIAM BURCH, JR. (Bat Cave) – By Consent, the Commission reprimanded Mr. Burch effective July 1, 2006. The Commission found that Mr. Burch, as principal broker and broker-in-charge of a real estate firm, failed to maintain trust account records in compliance with the Real Estate License Law and Commission rules. The Commission noted that no consumers were harmed as a result.

JAMES D. CASH (Zebulon) – The Commission accepted the voluntary surrender of the broker license of Mr. Cash for a period of one year effective August 15, 2006. The Commission dismissed without prejudice allegations that Mr. Cash had violated provisions of the Real Estate License Law and Commission rules. Mr. Cash neither admitted nor denied misconduct.

MILDRED C. CHEEK (Greensboro) – By Consent, the Commission reprimanded Ms. Cheek effective August 1, 2006. The Commission found that Ms. Cheek, as broker-in-charge of a real estate firm, failed to maintain her trust account records in compliance with the Real Estate License Law and Commission rules. The Commission noted that Ms. Cheek has since brought her records into compliance.

C. DAN JOYNER COMMERCIAL REALTY, INC. (Greenville) – By Consent, the Commission reprimanded C. Dan Joyner Commercial Realty effective May 22, 2006. The Commission found that C. Dan Joyner Commercial Realty allowed a person licensed in North Carolina but on inactive status to enter into North Carolina and engage in real estate activities in behalf of the firm. The Commission noted that the firm cooperated fully in the Commission’s investigation of this matter and surrendered any claim to the $550,000 in unpaid commission due under the co-brokerage agreement made by the person on inactive status.

HILTON O. CHESSON (Durham) – – By Consent, the Commission reprimanded Mr. Chesson effective June 1, 2006. The Commission found that Mr. Chesson sold a residential property without disclosing information from a previous transaction that the house was located in a flood plain, instead relying upon a survey showing that only a corner of the property, not the house, was located in a flood plain.

ROBERT S. CLARKE (Raleigh) – – The Commission accepted the voluntary surrender of the broker license of Mr. Clarke for a period of one year effective August 2, 2006. The Commission dismissed without prejudice allegations that Mr. Clarke had violated provisions of the Real Estate License Law and Commission rules. Mr. Clarke neither admitted nor denied misconduct.

MINH LE COURTNEY (Fayetteville) – By Consent, the Commission suspended the broker license of Ms. Courtney for a period of one year effective August 1, 2006. One month of the suspension was active with the remainder stayed for a probationary period of 11 months on certain conditions. The Commission found that Ms. Courtney advertised a seller’s property without first reviewing the “Working With Real Estate Agents” brochure with the seller, without entering into a written agency agreement and without obtaining the seller’s permission to advertise. The Commission also found that Ms. Courtney prepared two offers which included language pertaining to a sales commission.

DEBRA CREDLE (Garner) – By Consent, the Commission suspended the broker license of Ms. Credle for a period of three years effective June 15, 2006. The suspension is to be active until December 20, 2007, at which time the license of Ms. Credle is to be restored to active status under certain conditions. The Commission found that Ms. Credle, while associated as an agent with a financial services firm, accepted $2,000 from a buyer in connection with a lease-purchase transaction and did not safeguard the money, deposit the money into a trust account, or escrow account or turn it over to a licensed broker. The Commission also found that Ms. Credle falsely represented to the buyer that the financial services firm and its owner were owners of the property, that she gave the deposit monies to the firm’s owner even though she was aware that neither the owner nor the firm were licensed as a real estate broker, and that she did not account to the buyer for the disposition of the deposit money.

DEBBY S. DAIGLE (Southport) – By Consent, the Commission reprimanded Ms. Daigle effective June 1, 2006. The Commission found that Ms. Daigle operated a business as a limited liability company between 2000 and 2003 without first obtaining a firm license. Ms. Daigle neither admitted nor denied the Commission’s findings. The Commission noted that Ms. Daigle immediately obtained a firm license when contacted by the Commission in this matter.

JAMES P. DEMARE (Charlotte) – By Consent, the Commission suspended the broker license of Mr. DeMare for a period of one year effective July 1, 2006. The Commission then stayed the suspension for a probationary period of one year. The Commission found that Mr. DeMare, while licensed as a salesperson in 2001, represented a buyer in the purchase of a house and lot and the neighboring empty lot for a total purchase of price of $122,000, and then, after the contract was made, agreed to purchase the empty lot for $6,000 and resold the lot for a profit without adequately disclosing to the buyer the details of the resale or the opportunity he was taking away from the buyer to make a profit for himself. The Commission noted that Mr. DeMaresubsequently returned the profit to the buyer.

DENISE J. EDDLEMAN (Statesville) – By Consent, the Commission reprimanded Ms. Eddleman effective January 1, 2007. The Commission found that Ms. Eddleman, as qualifying broker and broker-in-charge of a real estate firm, purchased a building in 2001 in which to locate her firm. Ms. Eddleman used a lender that did not make commercial loans, but did make loans for investment property used for residential purposes, and indicated on the loan application that the property was being purchased for investment purposes in order to obtain the loan. The Commission noted that Ms. Eddleman subsequently refinanced the loan and obtained a commercial loan for the building.

EDDLEMAN REALTY, INC. (Statesville) – By Consent, the Commission reprimanded Eddleman Realty effective January 1, 2007. The Commission found that Eddleman Realty’s broker-in-charge purchased a building in 2001 in which to locateEddleman Realty. The broker-in-charge used a lender that did not make commercial loans, but did make loans for investment property used for residential purposes, and indicated on the loan application that the property was being purchased for investment purposes in order to obtain the loan. The Commission noted that the broker-in-charge subsequently refinanced the loan and obtained a commercial loan for the building.

DONALD W. GUPTON, INC. (Henderson) – By Consent, the Commission revoked the firm license of Donald W. Gupton, Inc., effective May 18, 2006. The Commission found that, between 1999 and 2002, the firm, engaged in the business of selling mobile homes and land and assisted purchasers in a series of transactions to make false statements to lenders and their representatives. The Commission also found that a number of the loans made in connection with the transactions were not repaid and foreclosure resulted.

FAMILY REALTY CO., INC. (Greensboro) – By Consent, the Commission reprimanded Family Realty effective August 1, 2006. The Commission found that Family Realty failed to maintain its trust accounts in compliance with the Real Estate License Law and Commission rules. The Commission noted that Family Realty has brought its accounts into compliance and no consumers were harmed as a result.

HENRY BRADLEY FORD (Roanoke Rapids) – By Consent, the Commission suspended the broker license of Mr. Ford for a period of six months effective June 29, 2006. The Commission then stayed the suspension for a probationary period of six months. The Commission found that Mr. Ford failed to report on his 2002 salesperson license application a 1996 conviction for two counts of misdemeanor assault related to his involvement in a simple affray at an outdoor concert and was sentenced to 18 months unsupervised probation. The Commission noted that Mr. Ford reported the conviction on his broker license application.

KENDALL FORD (Charlotte) – By Consent, the Commission revoked the broker license of Mr. Ford effective June 14, 2006. The Commission found that Mr. Ford purchased two properties and, in each transaction, received funds which were not reported on the closing statements. Mr. Ford did not admit the charges, but did not contest the Commission making findings and conclusions based upon the allegations.

FRANCIS B. FRY (Lexington) – By Consent, the Commission suspended the broker license of Mr. Fry for a period of eight months effective August 9, 2006. The Commission then stayed the suspension for a probationary period of eight months. The Commission found that Ms. Fry, acting as a developer, listed and advertised interior lots in a subdivision as having lake access when the subdivision had been redrawn to comply with regulations prohibiting lake access to the interior lots. The Commission also found that buyers of an interior lot built a home based upon the representation that lake access was permitted, only to discover that it was not. The Commission noted that Ms. Fry settled with the buyers.

KAYE H. FRY (Lexington) – By Consent, the Commission suspended the broker license of Ms. Fry for a period of eight months effective August 9, 2006. The Commission then stayed the suspension for a probationary period of eight months. The Commission found that Ms. Fry, acting as a developer, listed and advertised interior lots in a subdivision as having lake access when the subdivision had been redrawn to comply with regulations prohibiting lake access to the interior lots. The Commission also found that buyers of an interior lot built a home based upon the representation that lake access was permitted, only to discover that it was not. The Commission noted that Ms. Fry settled with the buyers.

KIMBERLY L. GILL (Bat Cave) – By Consent, the Commission suspended the broker license of Ms. Gill for a period of three months effective July 1, 2006. The Commission then stayed the suspension on certain conditions. The Commission found that Ms. Gill had responsibility for maintaining the trust account records for the brokerage firm with which she was associated and failed to maintain the trust account records in compliance with the Real Estate License Law and Commission rules. The Commission noted that the firm has brought its trust account records into compliance and no consumers were harmed as a result.

JERRY H. GOODEN (Raleigh) – By Consent, the Commission suspended the broker license of Mr. Gooden for a period of one year effective July 1, 2006. Six months of the suspension are to be active with the remainder stayed for a probationary period of 18 months. The Commission found that Mr. Gooden’s appraisal license was suspended by the North Carolina Appraisal Board for two years effective June 1, 2005. The suspension was stayed as of February 1, 2006 on certain conditions. The Commission also found that the Appraisal Board issued this sanction upon determining that Mr. Gooden failed to adequately supervise a trainee, failed to correctly complete research and analysis, and negligently communicated misleading appraisal reports.

DONALD W. GUPTON (Henderson) – By Consent, the Commission revoked the broker license of Mr. Gupton effective May 18, 2006. The Commission found that during March 2006, in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of North Carolina, Mr. Gupton pleaded guilty to the offense of conspiracy to commit mail and wire fraud and conspiracy to commit money laundering. The Commission also found that these offenses were committed in connection with real estate transactions.

HASSELL M. HAIRSTON (Charlotte) – By Consent, the Commission suspended the broker license of Mr. Hairston for a period of one year effective May 1, 2006. Six months of the suspension are to be active with the remainder stayed for a probationary period of six months. The Commission found that Mr. Hairston acted as a buyer’s agent for a buyer without ever meeting the buyer, without first reviewing the “Working With Real Estate Agents” brochure with the buyer and without entering into a written agency agreement with the buyer. The Commission also found that Mr. Hairston failed to maintain a transaction file for this matter and that the buyer eventually lost the home to foreclosure.

DAVID ALLEN HURST (Blowing Rock) – By Consent, the Commission suspended the broker license of Mr. Hurst for a period of six months effective July 17, 2006. The Commission then stayed the suspension for a probationary period of six months. The Commission found that Mr. Hurst, while he was licensed in North Carolina as a salesperson, failed to report at the time it occurred a 1999 South Carolina disciplinary action for engaging in four brokerage sales transactions prior to obtaining a license, and failed to disclose the disciplinary action on two license applications, both in 2006.

RICHARD JENKINS (Fairview) – By Consent, the Commission accepted the voluntary surrender of the broker license of Mr. Jenkins for a period of two years effective July 3, 2006. The Commission dismissed without prejudice allegations that Mr. Jenkins had violated the Real Estate License Law and Commission rules. Mr. Jenkins neither admitted nor denied misconduct.

C. DAN JOYNER (Greenville) – By Consent, the Commission reprimanded Mr. Joyner effective May 22, 2006. The Commission found that Mr. Joyner, acting as broker-in-charge of a licensed firm, failed to file a supervision form in a timely fashion. As a result, a person licensed in North Carolina but on inactive status entered into North Carolina and engaged in real estate activities on behalf of the firm, purportedly under Mr. Joyner’s supervision. The Commission noted that Mr. Joyner cooperated fully in the Commission’s investigation of this matter and surrendered any claim to the $550,000 in unpaid commission due under the co-brokerage agreement made by the person on inactive status.

JOHN M. KANE (Raleigh) – By Consent, the Commission suspended the broker license of Mr. Kane for a period of two years effective January 1, 2006. Six months of the suspension were active with the remainder stayed for a probationary period of 18 months on certain conditions. The Commission found that Mr. Kane, as principal broker and broker-in-charge of a real estate firm, failed to keep monies of landlord clients in trust accounts designated as such and failed to maintain bookkeeping records in conformity with Commission rules. The Commission also found that an unlicensed associate of the firm received client monies from the firm’s bank accounts without the authority of clients or Mr. Kane. The Commission noted that when the unauthorized use of monies was discovered, the monies were restored and the unlicensed employee was separated from the firm.

KANE REAL ESTATE COMPANY (Raleigh) – By Consent, the Commission suspended the firm license of Kane Real Estate for a period of two years effective January 1, 2006. The Commission then stayed the suspension for a probationary period of 30 months. The Commission found that Kane Real Estate failed to keep monies of landlord clients in trust accounts designated as such and failed to maintain bookkeeping records in conformity with Commission rules. The Commission also found that an unlicensed associate of the firm received client monies from the firm’s bank accounts without the authority of clients or Kane Real Estate. The Commission noted that when the unauthorized use of monies was discovered, the monies were restored and the unlicensed employee was separated from the firm.

JAMES M. KERR (Weddington) – By Consent, the Commission suspended the broker license of Mr. Kerr for a period of 60 days effective October 1, 2006. The Commission then stayed the suspension for a probationary period of one year on certain conditions. The Commission found that Mr. Kerr, as listing agent for a historic property that had a history of roof leaks, failed to disclose a leak to buyers that occurred after inspection and before closing and that the sellers had repaired. After closing, the roof leaked again and the buyers had to replace the roof. The Commission noted that the buyers have been reimbursed $12,500 for the cost of replacing the roof.

MARY KATHRYN KROENING (Raleigh) – By Consent, the Commission suspended the salesperson license of Ms. Kroening for a period of one year effective July 1, 2006. The Commission then stayed the suspension for a probationary period of 11 months. The Commission found that Ms. Kroening, as a salesperson for a residential developer in 2001 and 2002, failed to disclose plans by another entity to build a commercial project in close proximity to the residential properties she was marketing.

SANDRA J. LABARBERA (Raleigh) – By Consent, the Commission reprimanded Ms. LaBarbera effective October 1, 2006. The Commission found that Ms. LaBarbera failed to communicate to her buyer clients repeated requests from the sellers of a residential property concerning re-negotiating the closing date or date of possession of the property, instead representing without the buyers’ authority that the buyers had refused to discuss these requests.

RICHARD W. LENHART (Kernersville) – The Commission accepted the voluntary surrender of the broker license of Mr. Lenhart for a period of two years effective June 1, 2006. The Commission dismissed without prejudice allegations that Mr.Lenhart had violated provisions of the Real Estate License Law and Commission rules. Mr. Lenhard neither admitted nor denied misconduct.

JAMES M. LEWICKI (Highlands) – By Consent, the Commission revoked the broker license of Mr. Lewicki effective June 15, 2006. The Commission found that Mr. Lewicki did not respond in 2005 to Letters of Inquiry from the Commission and refused in 2006 to make his trust account records available to the Commission for inspection. Mr. Lewicki did not admit or deny the Commission’s findings.

TINA Y. LONG (Harkers Island) – By Consent, the Commission revoked the broker license of Ms. Long effective June 15, 2006. The Commission found that Ms. Long applied to become licensed as a salesperson in 2003 and as a broker in 2004 and failed to disclose that she had been convicted of certain felony offenses and that there were charges outstanding against her for obtaining merchandise by bogus check, child stealing, and shooting with intent to kill. The Commission also found that Ms. Long, following licensure, failed to report a conviction in 2005 of forgery.

CAROLYN J. MARTIN (Ahoskie) – By Consent, the Commission suspended the broker license of Ms. Martin for a period of one year effective June 15, 2006. One month of the suspension was active with the remainder stayed for a probationary period of 11 months. The Commission found that Ms. Martin allowed a seller to enter into two contracts without verifying that the first contract was no longer in force or advising her seller client to seek legal advice. The Commission also found that in a separate transaction, Ms. Martin used a “Buyer Possession Before Closing Agreement” as a long-term lease, inserted legal provisions concerning a non-refundable deposit that conflicted with the underlying contract and managed the property without a written management agreement. Finally, the Commission found that Ms. Martin failed to keep adequate trust account records for the transaction and engaged in deficit spending to cover the mortgage and other costs associated with the property.

JAMES C. MASSENBURG (Kinston) – By Consent, the Commission revoked the broker license of Mr. Massenburg effective August 10, 2006. The Commission found that Mr. Massenburg, acting as broker and rental agent for rental properties, failed to maintain rents and security deposit monies in a trust account as required by Commission rule, did not promptly and fully account for the money to clients, and converted client monies to his own use.

THOMAS E. MCFADDEN (Greensboro) – By Consent, the Commission reprimanded Mr. McFadden effective August 1, 2006. The Commission found that Mr. McFadden, as principal broker and broker-in-charge of a real estate firm, failed to maintain his trust accounts in compliance with the Real Estate License Law and Commission rules. The Commission noted that Mr. McFadden has brought his accounts into compliance and no consumers were harmed as a result.

T. MITCHELL MULLER (Matthews) – By Consent, the Commission reprimanded Mr. Muller effective October 1, 2006. The Commission found that in 2004, Mr. Muller failed to refund a tenant’s $750 security deposit, telling the tenant that his wife had closed his trust account and taken all the funds and the tenant should seek payment from her. The Commission also found that Mr. Muller failed to maintain individual ledgers or other information to establish an audit trail for the time period. The Commission noted that Mr. Muller eventually refunded the security deposit out of other funds after a delay of several months.

PHIFER REALTY, INC. (Kinston) – By Consent, the Commission revoked the firm license of Phifer Realty effective August 10, 2006. The Commission found that Phifer Realty, acting as broker and rental agent for rental properties, failed to maintain rents and security deposit monies in a trust account as required by Commission rule, did not promptly and fully account for the money to clients, and converted client monies to its own use.

LINDA T. POWELL (Hickory) – By Consent, the Commission suspended the broker license of Ms. Powell for a period of sixty days effective May 1, 2006. The Commission found that Ms. Powell, acting as a buyer agent, failed to discover and disclose to the buyers information received from a listing agent disclosing a possible major highway project planned for an area very near the property her buyers contracted to purchase.

MICHAEL R. QUILLAN (Greenville) – By Consent, the Commission suspended the broker license of Mr. Quillan for a period of two years effective July 1, 2006. The Commission then stayed the suspension for a probationary period of two years. The Commission found that Mr. Quillan, while licensed as a salesperson in North Carolina, was on inactive status as a result of the failure to file a supervision form in a timely manner, and engaged in activities which constitute the practice of real estate. The Commission noted that Mr. Quillan cooperated fully in the Commission’s investigation of this matter and surrendered any claim to the $550,000 in unpaid commission due while on inactive status.

JOSEPH B. RAMSEY, JR. (Raleigh) – By Consent, the Commission suspended the broker license of Mr. Ramsey for a period of six months effective June 29, 2006. The Commission then stayed the suspension for a probationary period of one year. The Commission found that Mr. Ramsey, as broker-in-charge of a real estate firm office, engaged in the management of funds for others and failed to supervise the trust accounts and records relating to such accounts and that the firm did not maintain the trust accounts in the manner required by Commission rules. The Commission noted that Mr. Ramsey cooperated with the Commission’s investigations and took substantial corrective measures to bring the firm’s records into compliance and that no consumer incurred any financial losses as a result of Mr. Ramsey’s conduct.

BEVERLY L. RAYNOR (Henrico) – By Consent, the Commission suspended the broker of license of Ms. Raynor for a period of six months. The Commission then stayed the suspension for a probationary period of six months on certain conditions. The Commission found that Ms. Raynor failed to disclose a 1997 conviction for Impaired Driving – Level 5 on her 1997 salesperson license application and on her 2000 broker license application.

ELIZABETH ANN REEDER (Bellmont) – By Consent, the Commission suspended the provisional broker license of Ms. Reeder for a period of 30 days effective May 23, 2006. The Commission then stayed the suspension for a probationary period of six months. The Commission found that Ms. Reeder failed to report a 1995 conviction for Driving While Impaired on her 2003 salesperson license application and submitted an incomplete criminal record report in connection with that application.

LARRY W. ROBBINS (Charlotte) – By Consent, the Commission reprimanded Mr. Robbins effective July 1, 2006. The Commission found that Mr. Robbins listed a property in 1996 and, after the listing expired, continued to market the property without a written listing agreement. The Commission also found that in 1998, Mr. Robbins brought a prospective buyer to the property, but no contract was negotiated; the buyer bought the property directly from the seller in 1999, and Mr. Robbins sued the seller for a commission. The Commission noted that this civil suit was settled.

ROBERT G. RUSSELL (Charlotte) – By Consent, the Commission reprimanded Mr. Russell effective August 1, 2006. The Commission found that Mr. Russell, as a salesperson with a real estate brokerage firm in 2003, induced buyers to enter into a contract to buy residential property by negligently misrepresenting that the property contained one acre when it actually contained 0.56 acre. The Commission noted that the buyers incurred expenses of $1,422 before discovering the true size of the property and terminating the contract. The buyers were reimbursed their costs.

ASHLEY A. SCHOLL (Charlotte) – By Consent, the Commission suspended the broker license of Ms. Scholl for a period of six months effective June 29, 2006. The Commission then stayed the suspension for a probationary period of six months. The Commission found that Ms. Scholl failed in 2005 to update her salesperson license application to report a pending DWI charge, and that she was convicted of that charge following licensure, and then failed to report the conviction within 60 days of the final judgment. The Commission noted that Ms. Scholl reported the conviction later on her broker license application.

ARTHUR SKILLMAN, III (Fayetteville) – By Consent, the Commission suspended the broker license of Mr. Skillman for a period of one year. The Commission then stayed the suspension for a probationary period of one year. The Commission found that Mr. Skillman failed to keep accurate trust account records of the funds he held for others and, following an audit and construction of his records, did not always include all required information thereon. The Commission also found that Mr. Skillman did not account for personal funds and failed to reconcile his ledgers to his bank statements, resulting in an overage of $2,140.67 in his trust account. The Commission noted that Mr. Skillman no longer handles the funds of others.

MARGIE L. SMITH (Bethel) – By Consent, the Commission suspended the broker license of Ms. Smith for a period of one year effective June 1, 2006. The Commission found that Ms. Smith, in 2002, acted as a dual agent in a transaction in which her buyer clients purchased a vacant lot she had listed with the intention of placing a single-wide mobile home on the lot. The Commission also found that Ms. Smith told the buyers that the lot had city water and sewer available when in fact it did not, and that Ms. Smith failed to disclose to the buyers that zoning restrictions prohibited the placement of a single-wide mobile home on the property.

RICHARD TRENT (Asheville) – By Consent, the Commission suspended the broker license of Mr. Trent for a period of six months effective July 1, 2006. The Commission then stayed the suspension for a probationary period of one year commencing June 10, 2006. The Commission found that Mr. Trent did not report to the Commission in a timely fashion convictions for driving while impaired in 2002 and 2005 and selling malt beverage to an underage individual in 2003.

TRINITY BUILDERS, LLC (Durham) – By Consent, the Commission revoked the firm license of Trinity Builders effective June 1, 2006. The Commission found that Trinity Builders sold a residential property it owned without disclosing information from a previous transaction that the house was located in a flood plain, instead relying upon a survey showing only a corner of the property, not the house, was located in a flood plain.

DAVID B. VANDERPOOL (Goldsboro) – By Consent, the Commission reprimanded Mr. Vanderpool effective October 1, 2006. The Commission found that Mr. Vanderpool sold a personal residence and failed to disclose a drainage issue to the buyers. Street flooding occurred a month after closing and on several occasions thereafter. The Commission noted that the house was not affected and the sellers offered to repurchase the property from the buyers.

ROBERT L. WHITE d/b/a MUTUAL LTD. REALTY (Fayetteville) By Consent, the Commission reprimanded Mr. White effective May 1, 2006. The Commission found that Mr. White, as the broker-in-charge of a real estate brokerage firm, failed to maintain trust account records in compliance with the Real Estate License Law and Commission rules. The Commission noted that no consumers were harmed as a result.

WENDY MICHELLE WINDHAM (Sanford) – By Consent, the Commission reprimanded Ms. Windham effective August 9, 2006. The Commission found that Ms. Windham failed to report two 1990 Georgia criminal convictions for underage drinking and driving under the influence on her 2005 salesperson license application and her 2006 broker license application.

ROBIN N. WINSTEAD (Durham) – The Commission revoked the broker license of Ms. Winstead effective September 15, 2006. The Commission found that Ms. Winstead was convicted in Durham County Superior Court of two counts of financial identity fraud and two counts of obtaining property by false pretenses in connection with the use by her of her client’s private information.

This article came from the October 2006-Vol37-2 edition of the bulletin.

Bass Elected Chairman, Alston, Vice Chairman

Raymond A. “Buddy” Bass, Jr., of Fayetteville has been elected Chairman of the North Carolina Real Estate Commission for the second time and Melvin L. “Skip” Alston of Greensboro has been re-elected Vice Chairman, it was announced by Phillip T. Fisher, Executive Director.

Bass, a Commission member since 1993, was first elected Chairman in 1995. He was also elected Vice Chairman in 1994 and co-vice chairman in 2005.

Entering the real estate business in 1965, Bass was a full-time REALTOR® and homebuilder in Fayetteville, having served on numerous committees with the Fayetteville Association of REALTORS®.

He was a member of the North Carolina and National Association of REALTORS®, and the Homebuilders Association at the local, state and national levels and is currently a member of the Association of Real Estate License Law Officials. He was owner and president of Dickens-Bass Realty & Construction Company in Fayetteville and was president of Bass Construction Company of Fayetteville, Inc.

Bass has been conferred with the Order of the Long Leaf Pine by the Governor for outstanding service to the State of North Carolina.

He is a native of Halifax and a graduate of East Carolina University in Greenville where he played football. He served in the U.S. Military during the Korean Conflict.

He is a member of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church in Halifax, the Halifax Fishing Club, Seven Spots Hunting Club and the Cape Fear Aero Clubs as well as the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association.

Bass and his wife, Joan, live in Fayetteville and have three children, Greg, Lisa and Susan.


Melvin L. “Skip” Alston 

He has been a member of the Commission since 2003.

Alston is serving his fourth four-year term as a member of the Guilford County Board of Commissioners and was elected its chairman in December 2002 for a one-year term.

Alston is also involved with several other successful business adventures in the Greensboro community, such as President of East Market Street Square, Inc., a commercial development company; Alston and Alston, LLC, a consulting firm; Skip’s All Beef Hotdogs, Inc.; and Vice President of S & J Partnership, Inc., dba The Bar-B-Que Palace.

Alston is also the immediate past president of the North Carolina State Conference of NAACP Branches, which consist of 120 Adult Branches and 60 Youth and College Chapters across the state. He also serves on the NAACP National Board of Directors since 2001 and is a member of the NAACP National Board of Trustees since 1988.

Alston is also co-founder and Chairman of the board of directors for the Sit-In Movement, Inc., a nonprofit corporation formed for the purpose of purchasing and renovating the historic Woolworth Building in downtown Greensboro into an international Civil Rights Center and Museum.

He is a former member of the North Carolina Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday Commission and is a past president of the North Carolina Association of Black County Officials along with a host of other boards and commissions throughout this state and country.

Alston resides in Greensboro with his wife, Gwendolyn, and is a member of St. James Baptist Church. He has two sons, DeSean Jahleel Alston, 24, who is also a real estate broker, and Ryan DeMarkus Alston, 14.

This article came from the October 2006-Vol37-2 edition of the bulletin.

Two New Interactive Forms

Two new interactive forms have been added to the Commission’s website. Go to the News Update links on the Home page to display these forms.

Certification of Experience – You can use this form to terminate the “provisional” status of your license if you were licensed prior to October 1, 2005 and can certify that four out of the last six years’ full-time or equivalent part-time experience were in activities for which a real estate license is required.

Broker-in-Charge Declaration – Use this form to declare yourself broker-in-charge of an office or sole proprietorship.

This article came from the June 2006-Vol37-1 edition of the bulletin.

Update Course Features Listing Procedures

The mandatory Real Estate Update continuing education course for the 2006-2007 license year has as one of its components a study and review of the proper procedures for listing residential property for sale.  Other topics include “Inspection and Repair Issues in Residential Sales,” “Licensing and Education Issues,” and “The Commission’s Website Revisited.”

Listing Residential Property for Sales  – Points to Remember

It is the intent of this section of the Update course to emphasize to licensees the importance of working with clients and customers in a manner that complies with the law and good ethical practices, and that best serves the interests of real estate consumers.  Licensees will be reminded of the proper procedures and certain restrictions regarding the solicitations of listings.  Update course instructors will also lead discussions in the proper preparation for and proper conduct of the prelisting meeting with a prospective seller, verifying and reporting square footage, assisting the seller in setting the appropriate listing price and completing the listing contract, as well as the proper methods of submitting information to the MLS and appropriate marketing of the listing.  Approximately an hour and a half of the four-hour course is devoted to this topic.

Inspection and Repair Issues in Residential Sales

The 2006-2007 Update course reviews the two alternative provisions relating to inspections and repairs in Paragraph 13 of the standard offer to purchase and contract form.  Licensees will discuss the pros and cons of each alternative and how to assist their buyers and sellers in understanding the alternatives and in determining which alternative is most advantageous in their individual situations.  Inspection and Repair Issues comprise just under an hour of the new Updatecourse.

Licensing and Education Issues

April 1, 2006 marked a significant change in North Carolina’s real estate licensing requirements.  Approximately 45 minutes of the Update course  reviews the new licensing and broker-in-charge requirements.  Licensees will also be reminded of the new post licensing requirements, the methods for removing the provisional status of “converted” licenses, as well as the consequences for failure to comply with the new education requirements.  Instructors will also remind licensees of how to maintain a current and active real estate license.

The Commission’s Website Revisited

The Real Estate Commission first unveiled its website in the summer of 1997, but the website has been steadily improved since that time.  This year’s Update course examines the improvements to and capabilities of the current website which will hopefully enable licensees to more fully utilize the site.

This article came from the June 2006-Vol37-1 edition of the bulletin.

Pocket Cards Reflect Broker Levels

Pocket renewal cards will be mailed approximately 10 days after the Commission has received and processed your renewal. Your new pocket card will reflect your broker level as follows:

B – broker who has fulfilled all postlicensing requirements or who completed broker licensing requirements prior to April 1, 2006.

PB – “provisional” broker who is required to take three 30-hour postlicensing courses within three years of licensure.

PBT – “provisional” broker who was licensed as a salesperson prior to October 1, 2005 and who is eligible prior to April 1, 2008 to terminate the provisional status of his/her broker license by either taking the Broker Transition Course or certifying experience equal to four out of the last six years full-time (or equivalent).

PB9 – “provisional” broker who was licensed on or after October 1, 2005 and prior to April 1, 2006 and who must prior to April 1, 2009 take three 30-hour postlicensing courses in order to terminate the provisional status of his/her license.

This article came from the June 2006-Vol37-1 edition of the bulletin.


The statistics here generally reflect the activities of the Real Estate Commission during the period from May 1, 2005 to April 30, 2006.


—     283,300 telephone calls (a 62% increase)

—     12 million+ website “hits” (a 74% increase)


—     1,200,000+ publications distributed to licensees, consumers, applicants


—     Online license renewals increased 38%

—     6,300 student rosters electronically processed for CE courses


—     294,000 license record changed (an 83% increase)

—     19,652 applications processed for  licenses by examination (a 50% increase)

—     18,079 license examinations administered (a 54% increase)

—     10,698 licenses by examination issued (a 54% increase)

—     8,577 broker licenses issued without examination (a 124% increase)

—     700 licenses issued by reciprocity (a 61% increase)

—     1,937 firm licenses issued (a 57% increase)

—     441 expired, surrendered and suspended licenses reinstated

—     618 license applications regarding character issues reviewed by Commission (a 151% increase)

—     297 license applicant conferences conducted (a 93% increase)

—     23 new private real estate school licenses issued and 44 renewed


—     46 real estate instructors approved and 67 renewed

—     71 new continuing education elective courses approved (for a total of 386 courses)

—     23 new continuing education sponsors approved (for a total of 210)

—     35 new continuing education Update Course instructors approved (for a total of  141)

—     49 Broker-in-Charge Course sessions conducted for 4,800 licensees


—     163 field investigations completed (a 54% increase)

—     76 trust accounts examined

—     488 persons interviewed

—     17 trust account sessions conducted for 750 students


—     1,432 case (complaint) files opened and 1,362 closed

—     20 licensees reprimanded

—     44 licenses suspended

—     26 licenses revoked

—     8 licenses surrendered

—     53 cases utilized conditional remedies

This article came from the June 2006-Vol37-1 edition of the bulletin.

New Licensing Program in Place

It’s now official!  Persons applying for real estate licenses must obtain more real estate education in order to qualify for and retain them; real estate experience is now required to become a broker-in-charge; and, for the first time ever, there are no real estate “salespersons” in North Carolina.  All of this is a result of landmark legislation which took effect April 1.

Implementing these changes was a monumental undertaking for the Real Estate Commission and its staff involving the adoption of comprehensive rule changes, the development of a variety of education programs and the creation of new administrative forms and procedures.  Compounding this was an unprecedented increase in the number of license applications and broker-in-charge declarations received from persons rushing to beat the April 1 deadline and the thousands of telephone calls they generated.  As you will see in the “Numbers” article in this Bulletin, the number of license applications increased by 50% over the previous year (in fact, the Commission in March issued five times more licenses than usual), 108,000 additional telephone calls were managed and 133,000 more records changed.

Throughout it all, the goal of  the Commission was to make the transition as smooth as possible for licensees and license applicants.  This required many late nights and long weekends for the Commission staff and bringing in a number of temporary employees to assist.  Some persons calling to inquire about their license applications were surprised to be talking to one of the Commission’s attorneys or other members of the Legal Services Division who volunteered to help answer telephone calls.  In January,  the Commission even sent letters to all salespersons and brokers-in-charge explaining the many, and sometimes confusing, changes.

Despite the Commission’s best efforts, there were times when all telephone lines were jammed and no staff members immediately available to personally speak with callers.  For any inconvenience which this may have caused, the Commission apologizes.  And for the cooperation and understanding of those many thousands of licensees and license applicants who contacted the Commission office during this extremely busy time, the Commission is most grateful.

This article came from the June 2006-Vol37-1 edition of the bulletin.

New Edition of North Carolina Real Estate Manaul Available Soon

The 2006-07 edition of the Real Estate Commission’s text and reference book, the North Carolina Real Estate Manual, will be available for purchase in late June.  The Manual, which is updated bi-annually, has for several years served as the text for the sixty-hour Broker Course.  However, the course became obsolete April 1 with the change to a “broker only” licensing structure and implementation of a substantially revised education program.  Under this new program, newly licensed “provisional brokers” must now complete three thirty-hour postlicensing courses within the first three years after initial licensure (at least one of the thirty-hour courses each year).  Also, all salesperson licenses were converted to provisional broker licenses and those persons licensed as salespersons prior to October 1, 2005 required to complete a twenty-four hour Broker Transition Course if they do not have four years full-time (or equivalent part-time) brokerage experience within the previous six years.  The new edition of the Manual will serve as the text for all three of the new postlicensing courses and the Broker Transition Course.

In addition to the usual updating required to reflect changes in laws, rules and practices, the 2006-07 edition features substantial revisions to better support its expanded role as the text for the new courses.  For example, the material relating to agency concepts and relationships was substantially rearranged and duplication of coverage minimized.  Coverage of broker practices and services when working with both sellers and buyers has been expanded to provide a better understanding of an agent’s practical responsibilities and to facilitate teaching the subject matter in “transaction sequence” as called for in the new courses.  New chapters on “Property Management” and “License Law Case Studies” have been added, as well as a new appendix addressing the process of “Licensing a Real Estate Firm”.  And there have been significant improvements in the coverage of several other topics, including sales contracts, fair housing and commercial real estate brokerage.  TheManual continues to include current versions and comments on the Real Estate License Law and Commission rules.

Because of its excellent coverage of a wide range of topics critically important to practicing real estate agents, every broker should have a current edition of the North Carolina Real Estate Manual in his or her personal library.  It may be ordered online via the Commission’s website at www.ncrec.state.nc.us or by using the order form included in this Bulletin.

This article came from the June 2006-Vol37-1 edition of the bulletin.

License Renewal Deadline: June 30 – Renew Your License Now! Online Is Easier, Quicker

The June 30 license renewal deadline is just days ahead. Take a few minutes now to renew and take this annual task off your to-do list.

Join the many licensees who choose to renew online each year at the Commission’s website, www.ncrec.state.nc.us. It’s quicker and easier and takes about two minutes. You will receive a confirmation that your renewal has been sent to the Commission for processing.

To renew online, you will need your MasterCard or Visa for the $40 fee. While online and, if necessary, update your personal information (email, fax, residence address).

Reminder: At the “Renew/Reinstate” tab of the Commission’s website you must login with your license number and PIN (personal identification number). Unless you have changed your PIN, it will be the last four digits of your Social Security Number).

If you choose to renew by mail, remember that it must be received by the Commission no later than June 30 (not postmarked). Otherwise, your license status will be expired.

Continuing education credit information is also available on the website, which will allow you to monitor the correct posting of your course credits. Allow 15 days following your class for any credits to be reflected. If you renew but fail to take the required continuing education for the license period, your license status will be changed to “inactive”.

This article came from the June 2006-Vol37-1 edition of the bulletin.

Auditor’s Corner – Downpayment Gift Programs

By Emmet R. Wood
Director, Audits and Investigations

The Internal Revenue Service has just issued a ruling (Rev. Rule 2006-27) on organizations that provide seller-funded down-payment assistance to home buyers.

Down-payment-assistance programs provide cash assistance to home buyers who cannot afford to make the minimum down payment or pay closing costs involved in obtaining a mortgage.  Such programs can qualify as tax-exempt charitable and educational organizations when properly structured and operated.  In the ruling, the IRS provides a detailed discussion of the guidelines-including two examples that meet and one that fails to meet the test for exemption.

The ruling makes it clear that seller-funded programs are not charities because they do not meet the requirements of section 501 (c)(3).  Increasingly, the IRS has found that organizations claiming to be charities are being used to funnel down-payment assistance from sellers to buyers through self-serving, circular-financing arrangements.  In a typical scheme, there is a direct correlation between the amount of the down-payment assistance provided to the buyer and the payment received from the seller. Moreover, the seller pays the organization only if the sales closes, and the organization usually charges an additional fee for its services.

What happens when an organization does not qualify as a tax-exempt organization?  No tax deduction will be allowed to the seller  for a charitable contribution.  The home buyers may not be able to include the amount of the assistance in the cost basis of their home.  The assistance will probably no longer qualify as a third-party gift for the purposes of the buyer’s loan application.  Consequently, the lender will have to treat the payment as a seller concession, deduct the concession from the value of the property and recalculate the buyer’s loan-to-value ratio.  If the buyer cannot come up with the required down-payment another way, his/her loan application will be denied.

Brokers are cautioned to be wary of any down-payment assistance program in which the home seller makes a gift to a purported charity and the buyer receives a gift of roughly the same amount from the charity (minus fees and expenses) to use as a down-payment to buy the seller’s house.  Such programs may not be what they claim to be and may violate the IRS ruling.  Misrepresentation of such a program to a lender or party in a real estate transaction would be a violation of the North Carolina Real Estate License Law and may constitute loan fraud.

You can find the news release and the ruling at www.irs.gov/newsroom, click on “News Releases”, then on “IRS Targets Down-Payment Assistance Scams”.

This article came from the June 2006-Vol37-1 edition of the bulletin.