Very soon, I will be completing my year as Chairman of the North Carolina Real Estate Licensing Board. I am grateful to the Board for the opportunity to serve as Chairman in-as-much as this year has been a most rewarding one to me. The year has presented many problems some of you will recall, but with the fine spirit of cooperation of the licensees and Board, we have gone about the business of solving them.
At this time, we ore in the process of many changes and during the days forthcoming, you will be more aware of the efforts of your Board to upgrade your chosen profession. Your Board is charged, in the Statute by which it was created, to protect the interest of the citizens of the State of North Carolina and I can assure you that this is being done. You too have on obligation to the people of this State to know what you are doing in the practice of real estate and to be completely aware of the North Carolina Real Estate Licensing Low and the Rules and Regulations of the Board. May I suggest, if you have not reviewed them lately, to order copies from our office.
Best wishes.
A. P. Carlton
This article came from the June 1970 Vol1-2 edition of the bulletin.