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Your Board has now completed its move to expanded quarters at 813 Branch Banking and Trust Building in Raleigh. You are cordially invited to visit the office at any time you -ire in the Capital city. The Board id entire staff welcome you.

With over 10,000 licensees in the state, the North Carolina Real Estate Licensing Board has found it necessary to enlarge its staff as well as its quarters. We are fortunate to have added Mr. Blanton Little, who will serve as assistant to the Secretary-Treasurer. Blanton is a native of Stanly County and a long time resident of Raleigh. He is well qualified for his new position. He is a Davidson graduate and has over twenty years experience in the fields of appraising and lending on residential, farm, and commercial properties.

Each member of the North Carolina Real Estate Licensing Board and staff dedicates himself to the protection of the interest of the public. We will continue to work for the strengthening of the profession by fair and impartial administration of the legislation and rules and regulations under which we operate.

Best wishes,

J. W. Olive

This article came from the Fall 1970 Vol1-3 edition of the bulletin.