The Commission has approved a policy to segregate public and private licensee data, in response to the changes to the Real Estate License Law. Currently, email and delivery addresses, whether business or home, are considered to be public.
A method for retaining a personal email address that is not public record is being created. Licensees will be able to log into the Commission’s Web site and use a new icon on their personal screen which will allow them to either add a “private” email address or move the existing email address to the “private” area.
The Commission will be the only organization that will use the “private” email address (for purposes such as renewal reminders, Bulletins, and important licensee notifications).
A licensee on inactive status, or on active status working from home, will still have their home address shown as their delivery address unless they change that address to a post office box. All information from the application of a new licensee will be considered private, again with the exception of the home address, until the applicant either provides a post office box or business address.
All pertinent Commission forms are being updated to permit the inclusion of two email addresses, public and private, should a licensee wish to provide them.
This article came from the October 2013-Vol44-2 edition of the bulletin.