Commission Military Outreach Program

Termination of rental contracts (leases or other agreements) entered into by members of the military is the focus of a new Commission Web site page and brochure, Questions and Answers on: N.C. Military Personnel Residential Lease Termination.

The Web page contains general information about special federal and state landlord and tenant laws for military personnel, links to pertinnent state statutes, the federal Civil Relief Act, the North Carolina State Bar Standing Committee on Legal Assistance for Military Personnel, and Small Claims court forms.

The brochure is free and written for those serving in the United States Armed Forces. However, it is also informative for owners and landlords of rental properties occuplied by military personnel.

Orders for the publication may be placed online at the Commission’s Web site,, or by the publications order form in this issue of the Bulletin.

This article came from the October 2013-Vol44-2 edition of the bulletin.