Make absolutely certain that you provide the course sponsor your correct license number. If you became a broker recently, be sure to use your broker number, not your old salesperson number.
Check your course completion certificate to see that it has your correct and current license number.
Check your continuing education credits online at to confirm their accuracy.
The CE requirement for each license period is the currently offered Real Estate Update Course plus one approved elective course.
Real estate CE must be completed by June 10. Courses are not available between June 11 and June 30.
DO NOT PROCRASTINATE TOO LONG! If you wait until the last minute, courses may be full and you may have difficulty finding readily available courses.
If you were issued a salesperson or broker license since July 1, 2002, you do not have to complete CE this license period.
This article came from the May 2003-Vol34-1 edition of the bulletin.