Did You Know: Carryover Credit for that Extra CE Elective

You may have just finished your Continuing Education (CE) requirements for the 2023-2024 license year, but it is never too early to complete your CE courses. In fact, if you wish to really get a jump start on your CE education, it is possible to carry over credit for one Elective course to the following license year.

Let’s say that you have already taken a NCREC-approved Elective CE course for the current 2024-2025 license year. Now you receive information about another Elective course that you would really like to take, but you are sad that it will not also provide CE credit. Good news! While licensees can always take as many courses as they wish each year for educational purposes, they can receive CE Elective credit for up to 2 NCREC-approved courses: one credit for the current license year and one course credit will carryover for Elective CE credit in the next license year.

Be aware that carry over credit is not possible for any Update course since Update courses must be taken for credit only in the license year for which they are written. The Commission’s 12-hour Broker-in-Charge course is the only Elective course that can only be credited in the year in which it is completed.