CAROLINA TRACE GATED PROPERTIES LLC (SANFORD) – The Commission accepted the permanent voluntary surrender of the real estate firm license of Carolina Trace Gated Properties LLC, effective January 1, 2025, with no right to reapply for 5 years. The Commission dismissed without prejudice allegations that the Firm violated provisions of the Real Estate License Law and Commission Rules. The Firm neither admitted nor denied misconduct.
NELSON G CASHWELL III (WARSAW) – The Commission accepted the permanent voluntary surrender of the real estate license of Cashwell, effective January 15, 2025. The Commission dismissed without prejudice allegations that Cashwell violated provisions of the Real Estate License Law and Commission Rules. Cashwell neither admitted nor denied misconduct.
WILLIAM S CHERRY (GREENVILLE) – By Consent, the Commission suspended the broker license of Cherry for a period of 12 months, effective January 1, 2025. The Commission then stayed the suspension in its entirety upon certain conditions. The Commission found that Cherry purchased a property for the purpose of flipping it. Cherry completed renovations and repairs on the property without permits or licensed contractors as required. Cherry failed to take reasonable efforts to verify whether the renovations to the property required permits and/or a licensed contractor before closing on the property. Cherry negligently misrepresented to the buyer agent that permits were not necessary for the renovations and repairs on the property.
ANDREA B FORTUNE (CONCORD) – By Consent, the Commission reprimanded Fortune effective January 1, 2025. The Commission found that Fortune was the Broker in Charge of the listing firm for the subject property. Fortune’s affiliated broker advertised in the MLS that the subject property contained 1,200 square feet of heated living area. A potential buyer of the subject property ordered an appraisal which reflected 1,093 square feet. After learning of the error, Fortune’s affiliated broker failed to update the MLS to reflect the correct square footage. Fortune failed to adequately supervise the advertising of the Firm.
EMMANUEL G GOMEZ (BURLINGTON) – The Commission accepted the voluntary surrender of the real estate broker license of Gomez, effective January 15, 2025, with no right to reapply for 2 years. The Commission dismissed without prejudice allegations that Gomez violated provisions of the Real Estate License Law and Commission Rules. Gomez neither admitted nor denied misconduct.
STEVEN T KOLENO (WAKE COUNTY) – The Commission accepted the voluntary surrender of the real estate broker license of Koleno, effective January 1, 2025, with no right to reapply for 18 months. The Commission dismissed without prejudice allegations that Koleno violated provisions of the Real Estate License Law and Commission Rules. Koleno neither admitted nor denied misconduct.
HALEY M LANGLEY (RALEIGH) – By Consent, the Commission reprimanded Langley effective January 1, 2025. The Commission found that Langley listed a property and was informed by the owners that the property’s roof was going to be replaced due to recent wind damage. Langley failed to inform the buyer agent of the roof replacement until one day prior to the buyer’s scheduled home inspection.
DOMAYTI P MORALES (GARNER) – By Consent, the Commission suspended the broker license of Morales for a period of 2 years, effective July 31, 2024. The Commission then stayed the suspension following a 6-month active period upon certain conditions. The Commission found that Morales failed to disclose to the Commission criminal convictions within sixty (60) days of judgment. The convictions were discovered by Commission staff.
RITU MUKIM (APEX) – By Consent, the Commission suspended the broker license of Mukim for a period of 6 months, effective December 11, 2024. The Commission then stayed the suspension following a 1-month active period upon certain conditions. The Commission found that Mukim scheduled a showing for her buyer clients and gave an unlicensed person the code to access the home that was listed for sale. This unlicensed person left the home unlocked so that prospective buyers could tour the home without Mukim being present.
ALICIA R NERIS (CHARLOTTE) – By Consent, the Commission suspended the broker license of Neris for a period of 12 months, effective January 1, 2025. The Commission then stayed the suspension in its entirety upon certain conditions. The Commission found that Neris was the buyer agent for a property in which the Residential Property Owners’ Association Disclosure Statement provided by the seller stated that the property had city water, city sewer, septic, and a private well. The advertisement for the property stated it had city water, city sewer, and septic but did not mention a well. The appraisal reported the property had public water and septic, and it was noted there was no city sewer connection. Additionally, a home inspection was conducted in which well repairs were recommended. Neris did not recommend a well inspection to her client. It was later disclosed to Neris the primary water source was a well. Neris failed to verify the correct water source and failed to advise her buyer client to obtain a well inspection.
DARRIN P STEPHENS (GREENVILLE) – By Consent, the Commission suspended the broker license of Stephens for a period of 3 months, effective January 1, 2025. The Commission then stayed the suspension in its entirety upon certain conditions. The Commission found that Stephens represented a buyer in the purchase of a flipped property. The seller was also a real estate broker representing himself in the sale. Stephens was aware the renovations included electrical, plumbing, cosmetic, and roof repair, however, Stephens relied on the seller’s word that permits and licensed contractors were not necessary for the renovations made. Stephens failed to verify if the renovations to property required permits and/or licensed contractors before closing on the property. Permits and licensed contractors for the renovations performed on the property were required.
REVOLUTION PARTNERS LLC (CONCORD) – By Consent, the Commission reprimanded Revolution Partners LLC effective January 1, 2025. The Commission found that the Firm advertised that the subject property for sale in the MLS as containing 1,200 square feet of heated living area. A potential buyer ordered an appraisal which reflected 1,093 square feet. After learning of the error, the Firm’s affiliated broker failed to update the correct square footage in the MLS.
ALLYSON G WARD (CHARLOTTE) – By Consent, the Commission suspended the broker license of Ward for a period of 12 months, effective January 1, 2025. The Commission then stayed the suspension in its entirety upon certain conditions. The Commission found that Ward was the listing agent for a property of which the sellers completed the Residential Property Owners’ Association Disclosure Statement, and described the property as having city water, city sewer, septic, and a private well. Ward advertised the property as having city water, city sewer, and septic. Ward failed to include the well in the advertisement. After settlement, Ward disclosed that the seller checked the wrong box and the property’s water source was well. Ward misrepresented the water source in the advertisement and failed to take reasonable steps to verify its accuracy.