Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

July is Disability Pride Month, a month dedicated to honoring and celebrating the history, experiences, achievements of disabled people. Disability Pride is recognized in the month of July to commemorate the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), a law that prohibits discrimination based on disability, in July 1990.

People with disabilities represent the largest and most diverse minority group, with individuals of various abilities, ages, races, ethnicities, religions, and social-economic backgrounds. According to 2021 data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 29% of adults in North Carolina have a disability, and according to the National Fair Housing Alliance’s (NFHA) 2023 Fair Housing Trends Report, over 53% of discrimination complaints are based on disability.

To properly serve consumers with disabilities it is important to understand their needs, recognizing that not all disabilities are created equally, ask questions, adjust your thinking, and do a bit of research.  As a real estate professional, you have a legal and ethical obligation to uphold fair housing laws; to do this you must be aware of the applicable laws (ADA and Fair Housing Act) that play a vital role in shaping an equitable and inclusive real estate environment.

By understanding the unique needs and challenges faced by consumers with disabilities and the guiding laws, real estate professionals can provide the necessary support to ensure a positive consumer experience and avoid any potential discrimination claims.

To learn more about Disability Pride Month or other disability related resources refer to the links below:

Americans with Disabilities Act Title III Regulations | ADA.gov

Better Service for Clients With Disabilities (nar.realtor)

Disability & Health U.S. State Profile Data: North Carolina | CDC

Fair Housing Project — A Project of Legal Aid of North Carolina (fairhousingnc.org)

Housing for People with Disabilities & Their Families | The Arc

Housing Rights – DRNC (disabilityrightsnc.org)

Why and How to Celebrate Disability Pride Month – The Arc

2023-Trends-Report-Final.pdf (nationalfairhousing.org)