How to Avoid an Unintended Inactive Status

Several brokers recently discovered the hard way that a Continuing Education (CE) course they completed before the annual June 10th CE deadline had not been posted to their license record. Unfortunately, some of these discoveries were made too late for renewal purposes, and licenses were placed on inactive status due to clerical errors by an education provider.

Although certified Education Providers (EPs) are required to submit rosters for Commission-approved courses within 7 days after course completion, brokers should not rely totally on the EPs. Sometimes erroneous information, such as a wrong license number, appears on a course roster, or a student is omitted completely.

To avoid unpleasant and unnecessary surprises around renewal time, brokers are strongly encouraged to proactively monitor the posting of accurate information to their license record:

  1. verify the accuracy of the information printed on the Course Completion Certificate that an EP must provide each student upon the successful completion of a course;
  2. log into their license record at and personally double check that all completed CE courses are posted…certainly within 10 days after course completion; and
  3. if there are errors, reach out to the EP with a request that corrections be made.

Pleasedo not submit any Course Completion Certificate to the Commission unless you are specifically requested to do so by Commission Staff. Educational credit will ONLY be provided based on information submitted directly by a certified EP.

A little vigilance soon after completing a course can save a broker from possibly being inactive in July.