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How to Order Publications

Changes to the process of ordering publications and the implementation of new charges for certain Commission publications became effective October 1 as follows:

–To place an order, you are now able to do so on the Commission website,, with either Visa or MasterCard.

–For mail or fax orders, the Publications Order Form (see pages 6 and 7 and the website) has been divided into two separate forms in the Bulletin. The form for publications with charges includes Working With Real Estate Agents, Questions and Answers on: Home Inspections, Questions and Answers on: Earnest Money Deposits, Residential Square Footage Guidelines and a new booklet containing the NC Real Estate Law, Commission rules and Trust Account Guidelines. Credit card ordering is now permitted when using this form, which is to be mailed to the address shown on it for fulfillment. The other form is for publications that are free of charge and should continue to be sent to the Commission.

The Commission cannot accept telephone orders.

This article came from the February 2003-Vol33-3 edition of the bulletin.