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New 2008-09 Real Estate Manual Available

The North Carolina Real Estate Manual, 2008-2009 Edition is now available to purchase.

The Manual is the required text for the three thirty-hour postlicensing courses which most provisional brokers must take, as well as for the 24-hour Broker Transition Course which will be offered through March 31, 2008.

In addition to significant revisions in the chapter on “Financial Legislation and Practices”, the new Manual contains discussion of changes to the new Offer to Purchase and Contract form which is also the subject of the 2007-2008 Real Estate Update Course.

The North Carolina Real Estate Manual continues to be a comprehensive guide to real estate law and brokerage practices in North Carolina.  It covers everything from basic real property law, taxation, valuation, land use, agency relationships and agreements, basic contract law principles and sales contracts, landlord-tenant law, fair housing, property management and commercial brokerage practices, among other topics.

To purchase the Manual, place your order online at the Real Estate Commission’s website,, or use the order form on page 10 of this Bulletin.

This article came from the January 2008-Vol38-3 edition of the bulletin.