Note! Information in this article may be dated. To search recent bulletin articles click here.


The statistics here generally reflect the activities of the Real Estate Commission during the period from May 1, 2007 to April 30, 2008.


•     260,500 telephone calls

•     1.1 million+ website “hits”


•     1,100,000+ publications distributed to brokers, consumers, applicants


•     8,400+ student rosters electronically processed for CE courses and 749 for postlicensing courses


•     562,000 license records changed (a 40% increase)

•     11,000+ applications processed for licenses by examination

•     10,000+ license examinations  


•     6,200+ licenses by examination issued

•     610 licenses issued by reciprocity

•     1,388 firm licenses issued

•     359 expired, surrendered and suspended licenses reinstated

•     3,800 Certificates of License History issued

•     383 license applications reviewed by Commission for character issues

•     171 license applicant conferences     conducted


•     15 new private real estate school licenses issued and 65 renewed

•     43 real estate instructors approved (a 19% increase) and 40 renewed

•     65 new continuing education elective courses approved (for a total of 406 courses)

•     21 new continuing education sponsors approved (for a total of 219)

•     19 new continuing education Update Course instructors approved (for a total of  187)

•     42 Broker-in-Charge Course sessions conducted for 2,415 licensees


•     142 field investigations completed

•     98 trust accounts examined

•     443 persons interviewed

•     16 trust account sessions conducted for 316 students

•     2,415 students instructed for trust account portion of BIC course


•     1,361 case (complaint) files opened and 1,386 closed

•     26 licenses reprimanded

•     60 licenses suspended

•     38 licenses revoked

•     14 licenses surrendered

•     99 cases with conditional remedies

This article came from the October 2008-Vol39-2 edition of the bulletin.