Note! Information in this article may be dated. To search recent bulletin articles click here.


The statistics here reflect the activities of the Real Estate Commission during the period from May 1, 2003 to April 30, 2004.


•     232,500 telephone calls (a 16% increase)

•     2,100,000+ website “hits” (an 840% increase)


•     805,000 publications distributed to licensees, consumers and applicants


Made more effective use of technology by:

•     Completing migration of 89,000 licensee records to a new and faster Windows-based database system

•     Increasing online license renewals to 31%


•     167,000 license record changes

•     11,409 applications processed for licenses by examination (a 23% increase)

•     10,430 license examinations administered (a 23% increase)

•     5,281 licenses by examination issued (a 23% increase)

•     3,294 broker licenses issued without examination (a 20% increase)

•     374 licenses issued by reciprocity

•     1,001 firm licenses issued (a 41% increase)

•     278 expired, surrendered and suspended licenses reinstated (a 70% increase)

•     306 license applications regarding character issues reviewed

•     123 license applicant conferences conducted (a 50% increase)

•     6 new and 51 renewed private real estate school licenses


•     42 approvals (a 163% increase) and 22 renewed approvals issued to instructors

•     64 new continuing education elective courses approved (for a total of 305 courses)

•     13 new continuing education sponsors approved (for a total of 179)

•     8 new continuing education Update Course instructors approved (for a total of 109)

•     48 Broker-in-Charge Course sessions conducted for 2,719 licensees

•     2,700 student rosters electronically processed for CE courses


•     109 field investigations completed

•     228 trust accounts examined (a   34% increase)

•     481 persons interviewed

•     26 trust account sessions conducted for 794 students

•     39 “spot inspections” performed on 70 different trust accounts


•     1,117 case (complaint) files opened (+234 over last year) and 1,098 closed (+193 over last year)

•     19 licensees reprimanded

•     54 licenses suspended

•     26 licenses revoked

•     14 licenses surrendered

•     53 cases utilized conditional remedies

•     14 Recovery Fund hearings conducted

•     26 license application hearings held

This article came from the November 2004-Vol35-2 edition of the bulletin.