Supporting Your Clients After a Disaster: Mortgage Relief Guidance

As a broker, your role extends beyond transactions—clients may reach out to you for guidance after a natural disaster. While you should never advise outside your expertise, you can provide valuable support by directing clients to trusted resources for assistance.

Here are some key resources for homeowners impacted by disasters:

  1. HUD and USDA Disaster Relief
    For clients with government-backed loans, HUD and USDA offer disaster assistance options, including temporary housing solutions and rebuilding support. Visit HUD’s Disaster Relief Resources for more information.
  2. Fannie Mae
    • Fannie Mae reminds homeowners, renters, and servicers about available disaster relief options, including forbearance and loan modification programs. For details, visit their newsroom release.
    • Homeowners can access specific guidance and tools through Fannie Mae’s Disaster Assistance page.
  3. Freddie Mac
    Freddie Mac provides disaster assistance such as payment forbearance, late fee waivers, and foreclosure relief for affected borrowers. Clients can explore these options on the Freddie Mac Hurricane Relief page.
  4. General Disaster Assistance
    Direct clients to, a one-stop shop for federal disaster aid, including housing assistance and financial recovery programs.

Encourage your clients who are having financial difficulty to contact their mortgage servicer, as servicers are their primary point of contact for initiating relief options. They also may need to talk to an attorney. Recommending these resources may help clients navigate these challenging times.