The new web-based version of the North Carolina Real Estate Manual is now available!
The Commission publishes the Real Estate Manual for brokers and the public to use as a practical guide for real estate concepts and brokerage practice. Also, it is the required textbook for Postlicensing courses. Individuals who take Postlicensing courses are required to have a current edition of the Real Estate Manual with them during all class sessions, either in print or electronic form.
The new version of the Real Estate Manual is web-based, making it more accessible and user-friendly. Features of the new version include: comic strips that display brokerage activities and examples of agency relationships between brokers and clients, self-check assessments, informative graphics, keyword searches, quick access to Postlicensing course content, and a database of sample contract forms.
The new web-based Real Estate Manual will be updated on a real-time basis. When laws, rules, and/or forms change, the Real Estate Manual will be updated immediately to reflect the changes. As a result, users will always have an up-to-date resource.
During the month of June, the web-based Real Estate Manual may be accessed for free using this link: When prompted, enter the following login credentials:
Beginning July 1, 2019, subscription fees will apply. Access to the web-based version of the Real Estate Manual will be $25.00 per license year. All subscriptions will expire each year on June 30.
Brokers will still be able to order and use the printed version of the Real Estate Manual if they prefer to do so. Please note that the print version of the Real Estate Manual is only updated every two to three years. The current edition of the print version is dated 2017.
If you have questions about the North Carolina Real Estate Manual, contact the Commission’s Education and Licensing Division at (919) 875-3700.