What’s Next Once You Receive Your License?

Congratulations on receiving your hard-earned real estate license. What a great feeling after all that work! Once you have celebrated your accomplishment, you might wonder what the next step is. So glad you asked…there are three possible paths:

1. If you wish to begin working as a real estate broker as soon as possible: First, you must locate a supervising Broker-in-Charge (BIC) so you can activate your license. Consider interviewing with several brokerage companies to identify a work culture that appeals to you. The BIC of the company you select must agree to actively supervise your brokerage activities. Once a completed REC Form 2.08 License Activation and Broker Affiliation has been electronically submitted, you may begin your real estate practice under your BIC’s supervision.

2. If you wish to remain on inactive status and begin working as a broker later: Once you have your real estate license number, you can begin and even complete your 90 hours of Postlicensing education without activating your license. All provisional brokers (not just those on active status) are required to complete this educational series within 18 months of initial licensure. This will remove the provisional status of your license so that when you are ready to activate your license, it will be as a “full” broker.

3. If you wish to remain on inactive status indefinitely: As long as you renew your real estate license every year between May 15 and June 30, you are not required to complete any education or affiliate with any BIC. Be aware that this course of action can result in  extensive educational requirements when you do decide to activate your license, depending on how long you wait to activate.

4. Recommendation: Regardless of which of the above paths you choose, you are strongly encouraged to complete the mandatory 8 hours of Continuing Education each year after your first license renewal. It will make activation much easier.