Disciplinary Actions

ERIKA LEE REED (Greensboro) – The Commission accepted the voluntary surrender of the broker license of Ms. Reed for a period of three years effective August 14, 2019. The Commission dismissed without prejudice allegations that Ms. Reed violated provisions of the Real Estate License Law and Commission rules.  Ms. Reed neither admitted nor denied misconduct.

BENITA WILLIAMS SCOTT (Raleigh) – By Consent, the Commission suspended the broker license of Ms. Scott for one year effective August 14, 2019. The Commission then stayed the suspension and instead reprimanded Ms. Scott on certain conditions. The Commission found that Ms. Scott in or around 2002 was licensed as a surety bail bondsman by the North Carolina Department of Insurance (NCDOI) and in or around 2005 was licensed as a professional bondsman by the NCDOI. On or about October 4, 2018, the NCDOI revoked the professional and surety bail bondsman licenses of Ms. Scott for multiple violations of N.C.G.S. § 58-71.