Effective July 1st: NEW WWREA Disclosure is required!

If you have already begun using the Commission’s new Working With Real Estate Agents Disclosure, keep up the good work! If you have not begun using the new WWREA Disclosure, now is the time! Effective July 1st, you must begin reviewing the new form with all prospective commercial and residential buyers and sellers at first substantial contact.

The new disclosure form is available on the Commission’s website (ncrec.gov) under “PUBLICATIONS.” Click on “Publications” and then “Disclosure Forms.” We recommend that you give every prospective buyer and seller a copy of (or a link to) the new “Questions and Answers on: WORKING WITH Real ESTATE AGENTS” brochure as a supplement to answer questions commonly asked by buyers and sellers

On April 26, 2021, the Commission hosted a 60-minute webinar introducing these two new publications. A recording of the webinar is available for viewing on the Commission’s website. The new WWREA Disclosure will be discussed in the 2021-2022 GENUP and BICUP courses. Aside from the introduction of these new publications, there has been no change to the rule which requires agency disclosure (A .0104(c)) and no change in the types of agency relationships that brokers may offer. The only change is in the form that brokers use to explain agency relationships.