Resources at your Fingertips

Have you checked out the Commission’s website ( recently? Did you know the website offers a wide variety of resources for brokers and consumers?

Resources for brokers include:

  • Licensee Login that enables brokers to review their own license records, including contact information, license status, company affiliations, and education history, and update information as needed;
  • Broker-in-Charge Login that enables BICs to review the license records of their affiliated brokers, to determine whether they have renewed their licenses and/or completed educational requirements;
  • Video Library that provides a variety of brief videos regarding rules and processes; and
  • Publications Page that provides access to current and previous editions of the eBulletin, materials from previous years’ Update courses, disclosure forms, Q&A brochures, and the Real Estate Manual.

Resources for consumers include:

  • Complaint Form that enables consumers to submit written complaints against licensees;
  • Fair Housing links and publications that educate consumers on rules and laws related to discrimination in real estate transactions, including Commission rules and the Fair Housing Act;
  • Q&A Brochures that inform consumers about common components of and issues during real estate transactions, such as Offer and Acceptance, Due Diligence Fees, and Tenant Security Deposits; and
  • Related Links that provide access to a variety of organizations and websites that offer related resources and services.

Also, the Support page provides brokers and consumers with responses to frequently asked questions.

For more information, contact the Education & Licensing Division at or 919.875.3700.