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Fred Moreno, Chief Deputy Legal Counsel, spoke at the Mobile Monday Session on June 7.

Miriam Baer, Executive Director, and Janet Thoren, Director of Regulatory Affairs, spoke at the NC Realtors’ BIC Talks Session on June 23.

‘Everything Changed the Minute I Opened the Door’

by Melissa Dittmann Tracey

Debbie Morrisette, a real estate broker with the Morrisette Group in North Carolina, thought she had followed all the safety protocols prior to showing properties to a potential buyer. She first met with the buyer—a man in his 20s—in a conference room at her brokerage, screened his interest in properties and asked a lot of questions about his background. The only thing she now regrets is not trusting her instinct as she approached the home’s front door alone to show him the home.

“Everything changed the minute I opened the door,” Morrisette said as she recalled that day two years ago while speaking to attendees during a recent REALTOR® Safety Program webinar, “Prospect or Predator?” “I had this feeling that I just knew I was in trouble.”

The man was hesitant to move throughout the house once inside and not touring the home as freely as other buyers usually did. Morrisette tried to not get trapped in a room by making him lead. But after about 10 minutes into the tour, he grabbed her arm, admitted he had lied about his name and what he does, and proceeded to ask her uncomfortable, inappropriate questions.

“I knew this was fight or flight—it was one or the other,” Morrisette recalled. She was able to escape through a sliding glass door and run to a neighbor’s house to call the police. The man was arrested the next day. But that day still haunts her. Morrisette has been in the real estate business for 17 years. “I’ve always been such a trusting person and always love what I do and meeting new people,” she said. “I couldn’t fathom that anyone would want to harm another human being … and to come up with all these lies and take so much time to cook up a situation to intimidate someone else.”

Two years later, she still won’t do a showing by herself.

Nearly a quarter of REALTORS® say they’ve experienced a situation that made them fear for their personal safety or the safety of their personal information, according to the National Association of REALTORS®’ 2020 Member Safety Report, conducted by the National Association of REALTORS®. The top agent fears centered around conducting open houses and showings as well as meeting new clients at a secluded property.

“These are not opportunistic crimes—although many people assume that they are,” said Lee Goldstein, CEO at Real Safe Agent, who also spoke during the REALTOR® safety webinar. Most of the crimes committed against real estate professionals are predatory in nature, said Goldstein. The perpetrator tends to have a motive of wanting power or control over their victim, not burglary or theft. In these crimes, predators search for some perceived weakness or vulnerability in their victims and have the intent of committing crimes like assault, rape, and murder. These criminals are drawn to real estate professionals because they know they tend to work alone and they believe they have a better chance of isolating you, he said.

The Timeline of Predatory Crimes

Goldstein walked webinar attendees through the timeline of predatory crimes, which revealed a lengthy cycle of “victim shopping” and investing time in preparatory actions that lead to meeting the victim and the actual crime. At first, the predators will focus on photographs, websites, and social media channels to compile personal information about their potential victim. Once they’ve researched their victim, they’ll insert that victim’s actual life into what Goldstein called a “fantasy stage” as they visualize their crime.

“The more information and subservient you are, and the more you provide them on social media, the more likely they are to stay focused on you and not to move on to someone else,” Goldstein said. For example, David Legaz, a real estate broker and 2021 president of the New York State Association of REALTORS®, advised attendees to watch the photos they use and always ensure they’re professional. Avoid full body photos, use headshots at or above the shoulders, and avoid showing any flashy jewelry. Have a professional smile with eyes fully open and look directly into the camera–no head tilts, which can show vulnerability, Legaz said.

As part of the predatory crime timeline, predators will try to arrange for a meeting to get you isolated from others. This meeting is your first opportunity to show your strength, as they’ll be looking for weakness or vulnerability. Have an empowered greeting. Arrive at the property early and from the front porch step, for example, reach down to greet them—a nonverbal gesture to show empowerment. Set expectations (e.g., “We will be spending no more than 15 minutes at the showing as the sellers will be returning at 5:45 p.m.”), Legaz added.

Predators tend to pay careful attention to “stage setting” for their crimes, Goldstein said. They will try to isolate you in places away from people and exits, like in bathrooms, basements, or attics. Always walk behind prospect: “Direct them—don’t lead them,” Legaz said.

Watch for these common attack scenarios, Goldstein said:

The Best Ways to Prevent an Attack

To prevent an attack, Goldstein urged real estate professionals to use active listening during the initial meetings. Focus on the prospect and ask open-ended questions to help pinpoint any potential red flags. For example, look for inconsistencies in their story (for Morrisette, the man she met with said he earned $25 million last year from his company, yet his car didn’t match up to that wealth). Ask questions follow-up questions, and be skeptical of any stumbles or discrepancies in their story.

Trust your instinct. Many victims say they had “a feeling that something just wasn’t right,” when asked to recall the situation afterward, Legaz said. “Don’t discount that feeling, whether it’s a strange feeling after the initial call, while at the front door, or as you approach a home. … Your body is trying to warn you. If you have that feeling—exit. Stop the appointment. Tell them your family just called and there’s an emergency.”

Bring a coworker, family member, or friend with you to showings as much as possible, particularly in these situations, Legaz said:

Always keep personal safety at the forefront of your day-to-day activities, said Carl Carter Jr., a real estate professional and founder of the Beverly Carter Foundation, who also spoke during the webinar. Carter’s mother Beverly Carter, a real estate pro in Little Rock, Ark., was kidnapped while showing a property to a man and woman who were posing as home buyers in September 2014. After a nationwide search, she was found dead days later. “In reliving the horror, I tell my mother’s story because I hope you will listen,” Carter said. “We’re all working so hard that it can be easy to lose sight that there is bad that walks among us.”

Reprinted from REALTOR® Magazine by permission of the National Association of REALTORS®. Copyright April 30, 2021. All rights reserved.


Legal Talk: What in the World is FIRPTA?


From Insight Magazine, a publication of NC REALTORS®

The following is a fictional (but very plausible) conversation between Betty Broker and Larry Lawyer:

BETTY: Hello, Larry. This is Betty. I hope your New Year is going well, and you and your family are dodging COVID so far.

LARRY: Thanks, Betty! How can I help you today?

BETTY: Well, I have a closing coming up with you in a few weeks in which I am the listing agent for Manuel and Consuela Ramirez, a lovely couple from Ecuador. They plan to return to Ecuador after selling their home here, and a friend recently told them that part of the sales price might be withheld from them at the closing. Why would that be?

LARRY: Well, Betty, there is a law known as the Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act of 1980 (FIRPTA). In certain circumstances, a settlement agent is required to withhold a portion of the sales price from the seller at closing if the seller is not a U.S. citizen. There are many possible scenarios and many exceptions to the general rule, but it might be required.

BETTY: How do my folks find out if there will be withholding on their transaction?

LARRY: I am not a tax lawyer, so the Buyer and the Seller in this situation should be advised to seek tax advice from a qualified tax professional. However, here are several basic rules:

  1. If the seller is selling to a buyer who intends to occupy the property as his or her principal residence and the purchase price is $300,000 or less, no withholding is required.
  2. If the seller is a resident alien (holder of a green card), he or she is treated the same as a U.S. citizen and no withholding is required regardless of the purchase price.
  3. If the seller applies for and obtains a FIRPTA Withholding Certificate from the IRS prior to closing, no withholding is required. Eligibility for a Withholding Certificate would be determined by a tax professional.

BETTY: Well, my sellers do not have green cards, and the house is selling for $500,000, so does that mean they will not get part of their proceeds following closing?

LARRY: Probably so, unless they qualify for a Withholding Certificate for some reason. But even if they do qualify, it’s unlikely the IRS would issue a Certificate in time for a closing in a few weeks. So, in all likelihood, I am going to have to withhold 10% (or $50,000) of the purchase price from the sellers’ proceeds and send it to the IRS. Once the sellers file the last tax return they are required to fi le, my understanding is they can apply for a refund of any of the withheld amount that exceeds their final tax liability.

BETTY: Wow! So, what do I need to put on my checklist so I adequately warn my clients in the future?

LARRY: Here are the questions that you need to know the answers to every time:

  1. Is the seller a citizen of another country?
  2. If so, does the seller have a green card?
  3. Is the buyer going to use the property as his or her principal residence? If so, is the purchase price $300,000 or less?
  4. Is the buyer going to use the property as investment property? In this case, if the seller is a citizen of another country and doesn’t have a green card, withholding is required no matter the price.
  5. Does the seller qualify for a FIRPTA Withholding Certificate in the opinion of a tax professional?

BETTY: Thanks for the heads up. This is definitely going on my checklist. Is the anything else I should know?

LARRY: Just a couple of things to keep in mind:

  1. If the sales price exceeds one million dollars and withholding is required, the withholding increases to 15% of the sales price.
  2. The way the law is written, the buyer is responsible for making sure the withholding is done properly. So, if the withholding is not done properly or not delivered to the IRS within 20 days from closing, the buyer will be penalized and charged with late fees by the IRS. As a practical matter, since closing attorneys usually represent buyers, this liability would fall on the closing attorney.
  3. Buyers and sellers in this situation are both advised to seek professional tax advice and not simply depend on your real estate attorney unless he is also a qualified tax expert.

Have a great 2021, and stay safe and well!!!

Allan R. Dameron Legal Internship Award 2021

At its June 16, 2021 meeting, the Commission awarded the Allan R. Dameron Legal Internship Award to Amelia Poore. This annual award is given in honor and memory of Allan Dameron who served on the Commission for nearly eight years beginning in 1999, including two terms as Chairman. Mr. Dameron was also a former Dean of the REALTOR Institute, and past president of the North Carolina Real Estate Education Foundation. 

Each year, the award is given to a North Carolina law student who has demonstrated an interest in public service and in real estate. Amelia is a rising third year law student at Campbell University Law School where she works with the Stubbs Bankruptcy Clinic and in the law library. Prior to law school, Amelia was an elementary school teacher and, while teaching, also earned her Master’s degree in elementary education and teaching from Meredith College. She is also a graduate of Wofford College in Spartanburg, South Carolina, where she received her Bachelor of Arts degree in English.

Employment Opportunities Available

Are you interested in joining the staff of the North Carolina Real Estate Commission? From time to time, employment opportunities become available. They are posted on the Commission’s website under the “About Us” tab. Click here for more information.

Current Stats: Monthly Licensee Count as of June 1, 2021

My license has expired! How do I reinstate it?

To maintain a current license, brokers must renew their license annually between May 15 and June 30. The license of a broker who fails to renew during that period will expire on June 30, and that broker must cease all brokerage activities immediately. 

What steps must a broker take to reinstate an expired license? That answer depends on how long the license has been expired.

To reinstate a license expired for less than 6 months:

  1. go to the Commission’s homepage (www.ncrec.gov);
  2. click on Reinstate your License;
  3. enter your license number and PIN (last 4 of your SSN unless you have changed it);
  4. answer required questions; and
  5. pay the $90 reinstatement fee.

NOTE: To regain active status, a License Activation / Affiliation form (REC 2.08) also must be submitted.

To reinstate a license expired for 6 months but no more than 2 years:

  1. Successfully complete one 30-hour Postlicensing course (the course must be completed within 6 months prior to submitting reinstatement application); and
  2. Submit a reinstatement application with the $90 application fee and all required documentation, including a criminal background report from the Commission’s provider;


  1. Submit a reinstatement application with the $90 application fee and all required documentation, including a criminal background report from the Commission’s provider; and
  2. Pass the National and State sections of license exam.

NOTE: To regain active status, a License Activation / Affiliation form (REC 2.08) also must be submitted.

To reinstate a license expired for more than 2 years:

  1. Successfully complete the 75-hour NC Broker Prelicensing course;
  2. Submit a license application with the $100 original application fee and all required documentation, including a criminal background report from the Commission’s provider; and
  3. Pass the National and State sections of license exam.

NOTE: You will be licensed as a provisional broker and be subject to the 90-hour Postlicensing education program. To gain active status, a License Activation / Affiliation form (REC 2.08) also must be submitted.

For more information, review Commission Rule 58A .0505 or visit the “Reinstate your License” page on the Commission’s website. You may also contact the Commission’s Education & Licensing Division at LS@ncrec.gov or 919-875-3700.

Disciplinary Actions

MICHELLE BARNETT ANDREWS (CHARLOTTE) – By Consent, the Commission suspended the broker license of Ms. Andrews for a period of 6 months effective June 10, 2021. The Commission then stayed the suspension in its entirety. The Commission found that Ms. Andrews acted as the co-listing agent for residential property which she knew had been extensively renovated. Ms. Andrews failed to verify that permits were pulled as required for some of the renovation work and failed to disclose that they were not pulled before the buyer made an offer. Once Ms. Andrews discovered, during the due diligence period, that permits were not pulled, she notified the buyers’ agent. The buyers closed on the property after being informed that the seller entity was in the process of obtaining the proper permits. In another residential sales transaction, Ms. Andrews again acted as the co-listing agent. This transaction included four previous buyers, who terminated for various reasons, and a 5th buyer who ultimately purchased the property. During the course of the listing, three buyers shared their home inspection reports with Ms. Andrews who shared them with the seller. The seller made some, but not all of the repairs noted in the reports but Ms. Andrews failed to discover and disclose the uncorrected material defects to subsequent buyers.

BEE HOME SOLUTIONS INC. (CHARLOTTE) – By Consent, the Commission suspended the broker license of Bee Home Solutions Inc. for a period of 12 months effective June 10, 2021. The Commission then stayed the suspension in its entirety. The Commission found that Bee Home Solutions Inc. listed a residential property for sale. The property was owned by the firm’s broker-in-charge, through another business entity. The seller entity had made extensive renovations to the subject property but failed to ensure that all required permits were pulled. Bee Home Solutions Inc. and its agents failed to disclose this before the buyer made an offer, however, once the Firm’s listing broker discovered, during the due diligence period, that permits were not pulled, she notified the buyers’ agent and the buyers closed on the property after being informed that the seller entity was in the process of obtaining the proper permits. In another residential sales transaction, Bee Home Solutions Inc. again acted as the listing firm for property owned by an entity owned by its broker-in-charge. This transaction included four previous buyers, who terminated for various reasons, and a 5th buyer who ultimately purchased the property. During the course of the listing, previous buyers shared three of their home inspection reports with the firm’s employee who shared them with the broker-in-charge. The seller entity made some, but not all of the repairs noted in the reports but Bee Home Solutions Inc., and its agents, failed to disclose the uncorrected material defects to subsequent buyers.

KENT ALLEN DAUDERMAN (SPRUCE PINE) – By Consent, the Commission suspended the broker license of Mr. Dauderman for a period of 18 months effective April 1, 2021. The Commission then stayed the suspension in its entirety. The Commission found that Mr. Dauderman managed properties for others through his sole proprietorship. A review of his trust account records found that Mr. Dauderman failed to perform monthly reconciliations, failed to maintain a trial balance, failed to include the proper identifying information on deposited checks, and failed to maintain journals and ledgers. Mr. Dauderman also allowed deficit spending leading to a shortage in the accounts.

MARION DENISE EDWARDS (KINGS MOUNTAIN) – By Consent, the Commission reprimanded Ms. Edwards effective June 10, 2021. The Commission found that Ms. Edwards acted as the agent of the buyers for the purchase of residential buyers informed Ms. Edwards that they wanted closing to take place at the end of July and Ms. Edwards communicated that the seller would not wait that long so the buyers executed a contract with a June closing date. Ms. Edwards and the listing agent disagree as to whether or not this request was communicated to, and considered by, the sellers. Nevertheless, during the due diligence period, Ms. Edwards forwarded a Due Diligence Request and Agreement (“DDRA”) to the listing agent without going over the specifics of the request with her buyer-client and which lacked their signature. The sellers agreed to the repairs noted on the DDRA and signed the document which was then sent to buyers. The buyers were unhappy that all of their repair requests were not addressed on the DDRA, but ultimately signed the document. The Commission notes that after closing, all repairs requested by the buyers have been completed to their satisfaction.

EITHIEL LYNN SMITH ESTES (BURLINGTON) – By Consent, the Commission reprimanded Ms. Estes effective June 15, 2021. The Commission found that Ms. Estes acted as a buyer agent for a residential purchase. The buyer had a home inspection performed which noted issues with floor joists, footings, girders, piers, windows, and electrical, among others. The home inspector also recommended a general contractor, engineer, plumber, and electrician visit the property for further evaluation. The buyer purchased the property after some repairs were made to the electrical system and received a credit of $2,200 to make additional repairs. The next year, Ms. Estes acted as the listing agent for the sale of the subject property, representing her former buyer client as seller. The seller failed to complete all questions on the property disclosure form, but Ms. Estes provided the incomplete form via the MLS. Ms. Estes was informed by the seller prior to listing the property, that certain repairs had been completed, but failed to inquire further or request documentation. The final buyer’s home inspection report noted some of the same issues as noted in the previous report obtained by the seller at the time of his purchase of the home.

LAURIE L JARRETT (HAW RIVER) – By Consent, the Commission reprimanded Ms. Jarrett effective June 10, 2021. The Commission found that Ms. Jarrett as the qualifying broker/broker-in-charge, of a licensed firm providing property management services, failed to identify the purpose for all checks, failed to maintain ledgers or journals in compliance with Commission rules, and failed to perform monthly reconciliations. Ms. Jarrett also failed to maintain copies of all transaction related documents for a period of three years as required by Commission rule. Ms. Jarrett and the firm have now ceased managing properties and turned over all monies to the property owners or their new management companies.

LAKE NORMAN CORNELIUS NC LLC (CORNELIUS) – By Consent, the Commission suspended the broker license of Lake Norman Cornelius NC LLC for a period of 12 months effective May 1, 2021. The Commission then stayed the suspension in its entirety. The Commission found that in and between May 2015 and August 2015, Lake Norman Cornelius NC LLC failed to properly account for trust money in its trust account and failed to create, maintain, and retain trust account records.

WILLIAM D MORGAN (MOORESVILLE) – By Consent, the Commission suspended the broker license of Mr. Morgan for a period of 12 months effective June 8, 2021. The Commission then stayed the suspension in its entirety. The Commission found that in and between May 2015 and August 2015, Mr. Morgan as the qualifying broker/broker-in-charge of a licensed firm, failed to properly account for trust money in the firm’s trust account, and failed to create, maintain, and retain trust account records.

MICHAEL TIMOTHY MOULTON (CHARLOTTE) – By Consent, the Commission suspended the broker license of Mr. Moulton for a period of 12 months effective June 10, 2021. The Commission then stayed the suspension in its entirety. The Commission found that Mr. Moulton was qualifying broker/broker-in-charge of a licensed firm which listed a residential property for sale, which was owned by a company also owned by Mr. Moulton. Mr. Moulton, through the seller entity, made extensive renovations to the subject property but failed to ensure that all required permits were pulled, and failed to disclose this before the buyer made an offer. Once the listing broker discovered, during the due diligence period, that permits were not pulled, they notified the buyers’ agent. The buyers closed on the property after being informed that the seller entity was in the process of obtaining the proper permits. In another residential sales transaction, Mr. Moulton’s firm again acted as the listing agent for property owned by his other company. This transaction included four previous buyers, who terminated for various reasons, and a 5th buyer who ultimately purchased the property. During the course of the listing, the previous buyers shared three of their home inspection reports with the listing broker who shared them with him. Mr. Moulton made some, but not all of the repairs noted in the reports and failed to disclose the uncorrected material defects to subsequent buyers.

KHUONG M NGUYEN (CHARLOTTE) – By Consent, the Commission suspended the broker license of Mr. Nguyen for a period of two years effective February 1, 2021. The Commission then stayed the suspension after a four month active suspension period. The Commission found that Mr. Nguyen, acting as the qualifying broker/broker-in-charge of a firm, failed to maintain trust accounts and trust account records in compliance with Commission rules, failed to enter into and retain agency agreements with his property management client, and failed to retain leases and other transaction documents in compliance with Commission rules.

MATTHEW M REYES (MOORESVILLE) – By Consent, the Commission suspended the broker license of Mr. Reyes for a period of 12 months effective June 8, 2021. The Commission then stayed the suspension in its entirety. The Commission found that in and between May 2015 and August 2015, Mr. Reyes as the qualifying broker/broker-in-charge, of a licensed firm, failed to properly account for trust money in the firm’s trust account, and failed to create, maintain, and retain trust account records.. Mr. Reyes self-reported the trust account shortage to the Commission.

WENDY D SMITH (MOORESVILLE) – By Consent, the Commission suspended the broker license of Ms. Smith for a period of three months effective June 8, 2021. The Commission then stayed the suspension in its entirety. The Commission found that in and between May 2015 and August 2015, Ms. Smith as the qualifying broker/broker-in-charge of a licensed firm, failed to properly account for trust money in the firm’s trust account, and failed to create, maintain, and retain trust account records.

THE CHARLOTTE REAL ESTATE FIRM LLC (CHARLOTTE) – By Consent, the Commission suspended the broker license of The Charlotte Real Estate Firm LLC for a period of two years effective February 1, 2021. The Commission then stayed the suspension after a four month active suspension period. The Commission found that The Charlotte Real Estate Firm LLC failed to maintain trust accounts and trust account records in compliance with Commission rules. The Charlotte Real Estate Firm also failed to enter into and retain agency agreements with its property management client, and failed to retain leases and other transaction documents in compliance with Commission rules.


The recent deaths of numerous persons of color in our nation have awakened many of us to racial inequities which have always been present but not widely considered or discussed. The North Carolina Real Estate Commission members and staff remain deeply troubled by these senseless losses and the many inequities faced by persons of color. These ongoing events, and the resulting protests, have affected all of us, have made us think and question our own actions and reactions, and have shown the importance of compassionate and open discussion about issues of racial equity. The Commission welcomes the resulting discussions and changes that have begun and will continue in our community and nation.

Those involved in real estate brokerage are a diverse community. The Commission is committed to the principles of excellence, fairness, and respect for all people. It is our goal to ensure that brokerage activities are conducted in fairness to all, to ensure equal housing opportunities, and to end discrimination in the sale or rental of all real estate. Everyone should feel safe in their communities and should feel and be free from discrimination.

We stand with those who seek equal justice for all and will do our part to encourage and support our community in making necessary changes to make sure racism and disregard for the dignity of people of color become a part of our history and not our present. We vow to listen, learn, and work with others to promote equality, inclusion, and acceptance.

The Commission is committed to examining its rules to ensure that they address discriminatory conduct by licensees in the real estate profession and to being a leader in moving the profession forward. To that end, in the past year, the Commission has

Please continue to help us better understand the experiences you have faced as a real estate broker or consumer around racism or other discrimination in any real estate related activities by contacting us and/or filing a complaint. We cannot stress enough the importance of providing us with this information. Suggest a Rule Change / File a Complaint


Have you gotten the calls about your car warranty or computer security? How about receiving an email or text message from someone who appears to be someone you actually know, but in fact is not? We’ve heard about wire fraud and all know at least one story where a client has either potentially or actually sent their funds to a scammer. 

The Commission has learned of a recent scam where the scammer called the licensee pretending to be a law enforcement officer with an arrest warrant for the licensee for failing to appear at a hearing related to the licensee’s client. The caller knew enough about the licensee’s business and personal information to appear legitimate and then strongly encouraged the licensee to pay “bail” online rather than face actual arrest. These scammers may gather information about you, your clients, and your family from various online sources or actual hacking of emails 

When you become a licensee you often begin your quest to find clients. This quest entails putting your contact information out for public access. It’s like going fishing with a big net. You throw out the net hoping to catch all the big, prime fish but when you pull it in it also has boards, boots, tires and jellyfish. Putting your contact info out there invites attention, some of which may be unwanted. Note that the Commission requires licensees to provide an email address to allow the Commission to communicate and deliver important information. The licensee may choose to designate a private email address which is not a public record and is not made available to third parties.

Awareness is your best defense. A caller may appear legitimate. A conman’s job is to gain your trust or to put you in enough of a panic that you do whatever they say. Any unsolicited calls where the caller requests money, confidential information, control of your computer, or access to an account, especially under threat of duress, should always be met with skepticism. Be aware – your net may catch some unwanted attention. Always check out the source of the call to make sure it’s legitimate and don’t be caught off guard. Don’t panic. Take your time, take a breath, and think the situation through before providing what the caller wants. As the Sarge said in Hill Street Blues, “Let’s be careful out there.”